8:00 – 9:30 | WEDNESDAY, 9 JULY
The Farmers Breakfast brings together on-farm AD plant operators, farmers using AD co-products such as biofertilser as well as farmers and landowners interested in developing new AD plants on their land.
Investment in nature and climate-smart development is where most countries are focussing their attention as they double down on producing more ambitious nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement.
Food systems are responsible for ~35% of global greenhouse gas emissions; with land use and land use changes responsible for 71% of that figure. Emissions of methane and NOx from farming are chief contributors.
Governments want to develop solutions to address the triple environmental crises – climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. These are not separate crises but intertwined. To save money and accelerate impact governments want to change the way farming is done – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as NOx, protect air quality and waterways from nutrient pollution and boost renewable energy production.
Come to the Farmers’ Breakfast to discover how biogas can enable you to do this, be positive for your business, the environment and energy security.
We will be hearing from leading experts on the importance of a land use framework, as a mechanism to ensure a proper balance between food security, nature preservation and clean energy; the central role of biogas in regenerative farming and the revenue stream to be had from ‘carbon harvests’; and how reduced chemical use through nutrient recycling pays dividends by reducing input costs and protecting biodiversity.
Topics to look out for
in the Farmers Breakfast
what farmers said
about the World Biogas Expo
“A great event to attend to learn more about the growing industry”
Patrick McGirr, Greengold Farm
If you would like to attend the Farmers Breakfast, please complete the form below.
Past guest speakers at the FARMERS BREAKFAST included:
Chris Hune, Chair, ADBA
Dr Jonathan Scurlock, Chief Adviser, Renewable Energy and Climate Change, National Farmers’ Union
William Crookshank, Environment & Business Manager, Environment Agency
David Kinnersley, Head of Agribusiness, Fisher German
Dr David Kaner, Chief Executive, Advanced Anaerobics
Eoin Sharkey, CEO, BioFactory
Tom Bradshaw, Vice President, National Farmers’ Union
Angie Bywater, Environmental Biotechnology Network Manager, University of Southampton